Pic shows: The baby rescued in a forest. Russian police are investigating after a newborn baby girl was found covered in ants that had started to try and eat her. The badly bitten child had been spotted by somebody walking in woodland on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Chelyabinsk. A police spokesman said: "The person that found the baby girl heard her crying, and on investigating discovered the child lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants. It was clear that the child had been abandoned and there was no one else in sight, so they picked her up and called for an ambulance." The police said that if the villager had not noticed the baby girl, she was unlikely to have survived much longer. The child still had the umbilical cord attached when she was found by the man, who was on his way to work and taking a shortcut. They said that the child was estimated to be about three days old and after treatment for the bites, was now stable and expected to make a full recovery. She is currently being treated at a hospital in Chelyabinsk and police are making efforts to track down her parents, and investigating the circumstances under which she was abandoned. (ends)

Гурав хоногтой нярай хүүхэд ойгоос амьд олджээ

Pic shows: The baby rescued in a forest.  Russian police are investigating after a newborn baby girl was found covered in ants that had started to try and eat her.  The badly bitten child had been spotted by somebody walking in woodland on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Chelyabinsk.  A police spokesman said: "The person that found the baby girl heard her crying, and on investigating discovered the child lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants. It was clear that the child had been abandoned and there was no one else in sight, so they picked her up and called for an ambulance."  The police said that if the villager had not noticed the baby girl, she was unlikely to have survived much longer. The child still had the umbilical cord attached when she was found by the man, who was on his way to work and taking a shortcut.  They said that the child was estimated to be about three days old and after treatment for the bites, was now stable and expected to make a full recovery.  She is currently being treated at a hospital in Chelyabinsk and police are making efforts to track down her parents, and investigating the circumstances under which she was abandoned.  (ends)

ОХУ-ын Челябинск хотын захын ойгоос төрөөд дөнгөж гурав хонож буй нярай хүүхэд олджээ. Ажлаасаа хоцорч, замаа дөтлөн явж байсан нэгэн эр модон дундаас хүүхдийн уйлах чимээ сонсчээ. Тэрээр навчин дундаас шоргоолжинд хазуулж, гэмтсэн нярай хүүхэд байхыг олж улмаар тусламж дуудсан байна.

“Намайг очиход ойр хавьд хэн ч байгаагүй. Бяцхан охин хаягдсан байсан учраас түүнийг авч түргэн тусламж дуудсан” хэмээн тэрээр ярьжээ. Цагдаагийн ажилтны хэлснээр охиныг жаахан л оройтож олсон бол амьд гарах боломжгүй байсан гэнэ.

Нярайг Челябинск хотын эмнэлэгт эмчилж байгаа бөгөөд эмч нар түүнийг бүрэн эдгэрэх боломжтой гэжээ. Харин цагдаа нар хүүхэд орхисон эцэг эхийг эрэн сурвалжилж эхлээд байна.

эх сурвалж: eagle.mn

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