1948 --- A fashion model wears a crepe dress by Clare Potter in the Kelekian Galleries. --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1940-оны бүсгүйчүүдийн хувцаслалт (Фото)

1947, Connecticut, USA --- A fashion model poses in suede "pedal pushers" and a sweater behind one of Alexander Calder's mobiles at the artist's studio. --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1948 --- Betty Bridges models a wool bengaline dress, a mink muff designed by Ester Dorothy, and gloves designed by Aris. --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1947 --- Modeling Coat Designed by Elsa Schiaparelli --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1948 --- A fashion model wears a crepe dress by Clare Potter in the Kelekian Galleries. --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1946 --- Modeling a Navy Blue Suit --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1948, Connecticut, USA --- A woman models a gray suede skirt in the studio of artist Alexander Calder, strolling among his mobiles. --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis

1946 --- Carol Bruce Modeling a Gray Dress --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis



1946, Manhattan, New York City, New York State, USA --- Modeling a Suit and Hat --- Image by © Genevieve Naylor/Corbis



Санал болгох мэдээ

Монгол, солонгосчууд хамтдаа “Хөх толботон” аялал жуулчлалын шинэ маршрут нээх санаачилгыг Ерөнхий сайд дэвшүүллээ

Монгол Улсын Ерөнхий сайд Л.Оюун-Эрдэнэ БНСУ-д хийж буй ажлын айлчлалынхаа үеэр Сөүл хотноо 2024 оны …