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Lady Gaga attends a press conference Celine Dion leaving the Royal Monceau hotel in Paris Mariah Carey Pre-Tapes 81st Annual Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting-NYC Lady Gaga arrives back at her hotel, wearing a gold dress with matching gold headpiece Orlando Bloom out with son Flynn in New York Robin Thicke and son Julian spotted in West Hollywood Leona Lewis at BBC Radio 2 **NEW EDIT** Angelina Jolie and kids shopping in Sydney KIIS FM's Jingle Ball 2013 Presented By T-Mobile In Partnership With Samsung - Show Adriana Lima and Karlie Kloss attend Victoria's Secret Holiday Gifting Singer Rita Ora almost takes a tumble as she tries to navigate some fallen palm tree branches while shooting an ad campaign for Madonna's Material Girl clothing line in Miami Beach, Florida Michael Bublé leaving the Soho Hotel One Direction Ben Affleck drops off Jennifer Garner and Seraphina Affleck at the Brentwood Country Mart Austin Mahone departing O'Hare airport Alec Baldwin walks his dogs in the snow in NYC Naomi Watts and family at Bondi Beach Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long spotted in NYC Ben Stiller appears on Madrid's 'El Hormiguero' Justin Bieber greets fans Julianne Hough exits gym fresh faced and make up free Open Road Films JUSTIN BIEBER'S BELIEVE memoir and concert film, presented by Teen Vogue Reese Witherspoon after yoga The X Factor Season 3 Finale - Arrivals Simon Cowell is pictured exiting his villa in Barbados to board a jetride for his afternoon ride up the coast Gwen Stefani and her kids head to a Church in Los Angeles,CA Cara Delevingne is spotted on the beach while on holiday in BarbadosUgluu-logo17

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Оросын Холбооны Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Владимир Владимирович Путин 2024 оны 09 дүгээр сарын 2-3-ны өдрүүдэд Монгол …